When it comes to owning a golf cart, there are many things you can do to modify your vehicle and create a more enjoyable experience. However, buying golf cart parts can be a bit overwhelming with all the options on the market today.

Our experts at the Electric Golf Car Company in Citrus Heights, CA, have compiled a list of some of the best accessories to invest in. Here are a few parts that will surely enhance your golf cart experience.


New tires can immediately change the entire feel and appearance of your golf cart. There are tons of custom wheels and tire designs to choose from based on style and functionality. Be sure to keep in mind the size of your tires before you make your purchase!

Rear Seat Kit

A rear-seat kit is a great way to increase the capacity of your cart to accommodate more passengers. These are easily becoming one of the more frequently purchased golf cart parts for their convenience. Rear seat kits are also a great way to increase cargo capacity in the event you need to transport several items from point A to B.


Another increasingly popular accessory for golf carts is windshields. These ultimately make for a far more comfortable ride by reducing wind exposure for drivers and front-seat passengers. It also increases visibility to reduce your risk of accidents due to unseen hazards in your local roadways.

Visit our dealership in Citrus Heights to check out all the great golf cart parts we have for sale! All customers from Sacramento, Elk Grove, and Roseville, CA are always welcome!